When you are in the military, you may see combat. You may have been on missions that exposed you to horrible and life-threatening experiences. These types of events can lead to PTSD.
The number of Veterans with PTSD varies by service era:
Operations Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Enduring Freedom (OEF): About 11-20 out of every 100 Veterans (or between 11-20%) who served in OIF or OEF have PTSD in a given year.
Gulf War (Desert Storm): About 12 out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year.
Vietnam War: About 15 out of every 100 Vietnam Veterans (or 15%) were currently diagnosed with PTSD at the time of the most recent study in the late 1980s, the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment Study (NVVRS). It is estimated that about 30 out of every 100 (or 30%) of Vietnam Veterans have had PTSD in their lifetime.
Other factors in a combat situation can add more stress to an already stressful situation. This may contribute to PTSD and other mental health problems. These factors include what you do in the war, the politics around the war, where the war is fought, and the type of enemy you face.
Another cause of PTSD in the military can be military sexual trauma (MST). This is any sexual harassment or sexual assault that occurs while you are in the military. MST can happen to both men and women and can occur during peacetime, training, or war.
Among Veterans who use VA health care, about:
23 out of 100 women (or 23%) reported sexual assault when in the military.
55 out of 100 women (or 55%) and 38 out of 100 men (or 38%) have experienced sexual harassment when in the military.
There are many more male Veterans than there are female Veterans. So, even though military sexual trauma is more common in women Veterans, over half of all Veterans with military sexual trauma are men.
source: https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand/common/common_veterans.asp
What are the 5 stages of PTSD?
What are the five stages of PTSD?
Impact or Emergency Stage. ...
Denial/ Numbing Stage. ...
Rescue Stage (including Intrusive or Repetitive stage) ...
Short-term Recovery or Intermediate Stage. ...
Long-term reconstruction or recovery stage.
PTSD Resources and Diagnosis
https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/assessment/adult-sr/ptsd-checklist.asp#obtain PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) - PTSD National Center for PTSD
PTSD | Symptoms & Treatment | Military Veterans | Make the Connection
Upcoming events.
https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/proven-breakthrough-in-ptsd-treatment-has-a-90-success-rate-in-eliminating-post-traumatic-stress-301014113.html 90% success rate for treatment of PTSD