Help Us End Veteran Suicide
An excerpt from the Veterans Health Administrations report in 2019 below:
“We cannot do this alone,” Dr. Richard Stone, executive in charge of the Veterans Health Administration, wrote in an open letter accompanying the department’s suicide report released last month. “We call on our community partners to join us in this effort.”
We at the James Lee Burkett Memorial Foundation are here to answer the Call. Will you join us and donate today?
“Every day, approximately 22 American veterans commit suicide, totaling over 8,000 veteran suicides each year — I repeat, 8,000 veteran suicides each year.”
–Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Senate hearing, Feb. 3, 2015
Watson Institute Cost of War Research Report
United for 22 No More
The James Lee Burkett Memorial Foundation (JLBMF) teamed up with Independence Productions to bring awareness to Veteran Suicide on 2-22-2022. On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, JLBMF contracted with Independence Productions to Bring Lee Greenwood, Casi Joy and St Tone band to the Saint Johns County Fairgrounds, Elkton Fl to raise awareness and funds in an effort to end Veteran Suicide.
The number 22 signifies the number of Veterans every day who take their own lives. With your help we can together work to end Veteran Suicide. So donate today and help save a veterans life.
Country Artist Casi Joy Teams with Lee Greenwood for Florida Show | Jacksonville, FL Patch
Make a donation to help a Vet
Your donation may make that difference the Veteran is looking for. Will you help a veteran today!