100 Bikes for 100 Veterans
The Idea is to put 50 Veterans on 50 Bikes providing them with the therapeutic results that riding a motorcycle can achieve. For James this was his way to deal with PTSD and that is why the foundation is looking to provide this to other veterans.
You can donate towards a Bike or Donate a working bike to help provide this therapy for veterans. To donate a Bike email: sponsor@jamesleeburkettmemorialfoundation.com
“Motorcycle Therapy” is a form of supplemental PTSD treatment that offers the chance for community and support. Riding offers vets the chance to refocus their mental energy to a positive outlet. While riding you have to be aware, constantly processing, a side effect which many PTSD patients said they find soothing.
This is the first Harley Davidson purchased by the foundation.
The first purchase of a 2003 Harley-Davidson Anniversary Edition soft tail motorcycle. This was purchased for the sole intent of putting a combat veteran on a motorcycle, one proven therapy for PTSD.
Support A Vet
Our Foundation provides assistance to Veterans and their immediate families suffering with PTSD. By providing Veterans with a new purpose through coordination with other agencies we can provide Veterans and their immediate families with hope for the future and the tools to support them along the way.
We are in the forefront of the effort to provide hope, housing, and training to Veterans and their immediate families who are currently suffering with PTSD.
You can help us make a positive difference in the lives of Our Veterans right now by Donating today!
100 Bikes For 100 Veterans
There are eligibility requirements that must be met before joining this program:

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